Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Far too long....

Where the heck have I been.. Well I've been so busy I decided enough was enough and put extension braids in my hair. 

Between work and school I've been too busy to do anything to it.  But I did finish school w/ a bang and I am loving that I do not have to do a thing to my hair each day or fight w/ the weather to contain my curls.

In other news, I am job hunting my butt off like I never had before.  I really want this job in Atlanta that I saw.  As hard as it will be for me to move, I know it is about that time.  NC is too dull for me and w/ the traveling I did growing up, I am surprised I lasted as long as I did.

I started off talking lots about my hair and all that, but I think this is going to now be a blog just about my everyday life because my hair does not consume my life as much as it once did when I first big chopped.  Soooo What do you want to know? What do you want to hear about.. Should I tell more about myself???

Ok I will anyway... lets see....

I am in my 20's, work for a University, I have one sister, my parents are divorced (thank goodness) and my city is claustrophobic.

I wish I could feel the way this picture looks each and every day... isn't it beautiful!!
As you can see from how I am bouncing around from topic to topic, my mind is all over today.. More to write tonight but for now....... Don't just breath, LIVE.

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