Friday, November 15, 2013


My mother told me she feels I have lost my spunk...

She feels the negative personalities I come into contact with has taken my smile.  She said she wants me to go back to being that happy baby in all of my baby pictures.  You literally cannot find a pic of me without a smile.  I have always been that happy bubbly person.  I think that I am starting to realize that my life did not go in the direction it should have gone.  I took too long to figure out what I truly wanted to do with my life.  Now everyone my age is set in their careers and moving around doing all of the things I dreamed for myself.  I am steps behind because I chose a different path.  I know I want to work with people, in a laid back setting throwing out ideas being taught by leaders who encourage creativity.  This is what I really want.... I want my spunk back.

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